You are definitely not alone!


At the moment I do not have a waiting list. If wanted/needed, I can mostly see new clients within a few days.


There are many people who have questions about, or problems with, sexuality and finding an answer or solution can be difficult. In addition, sexuality is often a difficult subject to talk about. Sexual problems can vary in their nature. Some of the problems are more concrete and medical in nature; others can be more personal and complex. Sexual problems can often deeply affect intimate relationships. Couples who stop having sex avoid talking about the subject because they no longer see a solution. Fortunately difficulties like these are solvable with specialized help.

Professional help

Sexologists are special therapists who are educated and trained in the field of human sexuality and its problems. Sexologists provide help for those who want to solve sexual complaints and/or dissatisfaction. A sexologist can offer a consultation if you, or you and your partner, have been unable to find a solution on your own. They can also answer specific questions and give you practical information.

The first step

Has the time come to take the first step in getting help? You’ll find professional help at PS, Practice for Sexology in Amsterdam, or Hilversum in The Netherlands, and in Berlin, Germany. (Anonymous if preferred)

  • Anmeldung ist ab sofort möglich, es gibt keine Warteliste
  • Sitzungen abends und samstags möglich
  • Telefonische Beratung ist möglich (zum Beispiel für Klienten aus dem Ausland)